More reason to love cats and dogs, especially. Anecdotally as humans, we already knew that factors including stress and boredom are alleviated by pets, but it doesn’t end there. Studies from non-profit HABRI (Human Animal Bond Research Institute) have provided solid medical evidence that your pet is doing more than providing cuteness, entertainment, and shredded shoes.
Whether you need an excuse to escape quarantine for fresh air or need a mini adventure, dogs and sometimes even cats can help you step outside yourself to heal and increase your resilience.

Dogs Help Your Physical Heart and Emotional Heart
There is a significant association between pet ownership and a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases and heart-related health issues. A study of 3.4 million individuals over 12 years found dog ownership especially was associated with reduced risk of mortality from cardiovascular disease.
Overall a 24% reduced risk for all-cause mortality as opposed to non-owners of dogs; This is a significant reduction.
Reduced Risk of Death for Heart Attack Patients
Heart attack patients living with only their pet dog(s) (and otherwise alone with no other humans) had a 33% lower risk of death and stroke patients had a 27% lower risk of death vs. non-owners of dogs.
Dog Owners More Likely to Care About Rehab
Research from the study also found dog owners were 96.5% more likely to complete cardiac rehab vs. non-owners at 79.2%.

Dog Ownership is More Effective than Most Nationally Known Weight-loss Plans
Perhaps the most obvious, but if you own a pet, you’re more likely to go for walks or actively play with your pet. In the “Walk a Hound, Lose a Pound” study, older adult dog-walkers who walked 20 minutes per day and 5 days per week lose on average 14 pounds in a year. This is touted by the study as more successful on average than some of the US nationally known weight-loss programs.
Stress is the #1 Killer and Ages You—Pets Reduce Stress
Emotional stress especially is a major contributing factor to deaths in the United States. There were 69 (giggity) separate studies that showed even the presence of friendly animals can reduce heart rate and blood pressure, which buffers the causes of stress.
The morbidity and mortality due to stress-related illness is alarming. Emotional stress is a major contributing factor to the six leading causes of death in the United States: cancer, coronary heart disease, accidental injuries, respiratory disorders, cirrhosis of the liver and suicide.
Source (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
Humans Need Groups; Loneliness Kills
Loneliness can be as deadly as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Animal lovers and pet owners alike tend to better socialize due to their common interest or socialize with neighbors who also have pets. Your pet can serve as a catalyst for social interaction and forming new friendship (some folks even find bringing a puppy to the beach is a great way to pick up dates).
What About Humans Who Can’t Have Pets?
Not to fear – the good news is, research shows even short interactions with someone else’s friendly pet showed similar alleviation of depressive symptoms and improved cognitive function (as with animal-assisted therapy and activities or AAT and AAA). Volunteering at an animal shelter to walk dogs or cuddle kittens who need to be socialized is also an option; animal shelters are always in great need of big-hearted human volunteers and offer every level of engagement for those with limited physical exertion abilities.
Owls might have brought famed wizard Harry Potter more than just an invitation to Hogwarts–as a companion to Harry, Hedwig the snowy owl might have also added to Harry’s longevity by improving multiple areas of his health; much like a passive skill for a pet in Diablo or World of Warcraft.
Overall, pet ownership means more resilience.

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